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Answer the following questions based on the diagram below which reports country XX’s monthly outward Investment flows to various countries and the world. The FDI figures are reported in US$ million.

01. What is the growth rate of country XX’s overall outward Investment during the period January 2011 and May 2011?
A. Approximately 6% B. Approximately 3.5% 
C. Approximately 5.75%  D. None of the above 

Answer and Explanation

Answer: None of the above 

country XX’s outward investment flow
=> During January 2011 = 3075
=> During May 2011 = 3701
=> Required growth rate = 3701 – 3075 / 3075 x 100%
=> 62600 / 3075 % = 20.36%

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02. In which month country XX’s outward Investment to Singapore dropped most and what is the month of month growth in that period?
A. April, approximately negative growth of 39%  B. March, approximately negative growth of 49%
C. April, approximately negative growth of 49%  D. None of the above 

Answer and Explanation

Answer: April, approximately negative growth of 49% 

Negative growth in March for Singapore
=> 1211 – 741 / 1211 x 100%
=> 39%
=> Negative growth in April for Singapore
=> 741 – 378 / 741 x 100%
=> 49%
=> Thus the country XX’s Outward Investment to Singapore dropped most in April and of approximately 49%

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03. What is the share of country XX’s outward Investment together in USA and UK in February 2011 of its total investment in the world?
A. 7.24% B. 8.30%
C. 6.79% D. None of these 

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 7.24%

Required share of country XX’s outward investment together
=> In USA and UK in Feb 2011
=> 116 + 117 / 3221 x 100%
=> 233 / 3221 x 100%
=> 7.24%

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04. In which month the share of country XX’s total outward Investment together in Singapore and UAE achieved the highest level and what is the value?
A. April, 40%  B. February, 45%
C. March, 45% D. None of these 

Answer and Explanation

Answer: February, 45%

from the given diagram, highest investment in Singapore and UAE
=> Is in the month of February which is equal to 1200 + 227 =
=> 1438 US $ million
=> Required percentage = 1438 / 3222 x 100%
=> 45%

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05. Between February 2011 and April 2011, to which country did outward investment from XX witness the highest decline?
A. Singapore B. UK
C. UAE D. Others

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Singapore

Between February and April, decline in the outward investment
=> From XX to Singapore
=> 1211 – 378 / 1211 x 100%
=> 68.79%
=> UK = 117 – 44 / 117 x 100% = 62.39%
=> UAE = 227 – 157 / 227 x 100% = 30.84%
=> Others = 1551 – 686 / 1551 x 100% = 55.77%
=> Thus, Singapore has the highest decline.
=> We will check the statements one by one

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